
Posts Tagged ‘False Teaching’

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Do not lay hands quickly on anyone, neither be partaker of the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. (1Ti 5:22) 

The Apostle’s instructions to young Timothy are clear. Do not lay hands on anyone quickly. The context of this verse has to be kept in mind. Paul sends Timothy this letter as an encouragement and a reminder. Paul had previously begged Timothy to remain in Ephesus to correct those who were teaching false doctrines.

 This was an occasion were the temptation to lay hands quickly on someone was very much present. For all intents and purposes Timothy was by himself. He was facing false teachers and he was frequently ill. Yet, Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit instructs his young charge to avoid laying hands quickly on anyone.

 If there ever was someone who needed a co-laborer in the faith it was Timothy. The outlook for his ministry was bleak. As his soul longs for a kindred spirit in the faith, the most wise and learned Holy Spirit instructs the young pastor to move very cautiously. Do not lay hands on someone quickly. Timothy was to proceed slowly in finding leaders for the church. He was to examine them to make certain that they held fast to sound doctrine (cf. Acts 2:42, Eph.4:14)

The church today would do well to give an ear to what the Spirit says; do not lay hands quickly on anyone. Spend the requisite time necessary to find men that hold fast to sound words and are prepared to defend our doctrine (Titus 1:9). We must avoid unproven and untested men lest we become partakers of their sin.

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And God has both raised up the Lord, and also will raise us up by His own power. (1Co 6:14)

Every true believer in Christ will experience resurrection power. The first experience of this resurrection power is experienced in salvation. The Holy Spirit calls forth the dead sinner to new life in Christ. God acts alone as he calls his elect. Theologians call this monergistic salvation whereby God regenerates the rebellious sinner who was dead in his trespasses and sins.

The second experience of this resurrection power is at the end of all things. God raised Jesus after three days in the grave. This same resurrection power is applied to the believer when that which is corruptible is raised incorruptible. This is resurrection power; the death experienced due to sin is overcome by God’s power.

Finally, we realize the importance of our Trinitarian theology. God the Father raised the Son. Some believing aberrant doctrines would contend that only the “physical” body of Jesus died on the cross. According to this error the Jesus on the cross was a mere shell, just a “mode” of God. Yet, the verse is plain God raised the Lord. Our verse would not have use believe that the Lord when raised was some kind of creature devoid of spiritual faculties, and yet the distinction is present for us to observe. God raised the Lord.

Beloved in the Lord Jesus take hope in this verse. You will experience resurrection power for the Holy Spirit has promised it. The day will come when you are changed in a twinkling of an eye. That which decays will be raised to life everlasting. All Glory and Honor to Christ for he has set the captives free and is the first born over all Creation!

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A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

Gal 5:9





As the Apostle Paul contends earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3) he addresses a common objection that is often leveled at those concerned with doctrinal purity. He tells the Galatians that “..a little leaven leaventh the whole lump..” The common objection is that error is less egrievous when present in the doctrine of small numbers of people.

To this the Apostle replies nay, a little error will corrupt the whole. A small number of people who hold to false teaching will eventually infect and corrupt the whole church. This is why we are instructed to “come out from among them and be seperate” from those who do not hold fast to sound words. The injunction of scripture is no mere platitude; we are to be workmen rightly dividing the word of truth. Scripture is our guide and that which is not from the Holy Spirit is by necessary deduction from the prince of the power of the air. (Ephesians 2:2).   

Doctrine is a fence that keeps out what does not belong and keeps in what does. In the words of Charles Spurgeon “Be a Sectarian, my brother, be profoundly a Sectarian. I mean by that, hold everything which you see to be in God’s Word with a tighter grasp, and do not give up even the little pieces of truth.”

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