
Archive for the ‘False Teachers’ Category

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I will set no wicked thing before my eyes. I have hated the work of those who turn aside; it shall not hold on to me. (Psa 101:3) 

In the vain imaginations of many Christians they suppose that the wicked thing is nothing less than the most heinous of sin. They falsely reason that if they avoid pornography or even nudity they have followed the word of God to the letter of the law. They reckon themselves pure in God’s sight all the while allowing images of false gods, witchcraft, and all manner of evil to fill their homes.

Hear the Psalmist; for he says he desires that no wicked thing be set before him. Wickedness is found in anything that turns a heart from the worship of the true God to the worship of idols. This is proved by the plain teaching of scripture as the Psalmist exclaims he hates the work of those who turn aside. The meaning here goes beyond what we can see, it goes to what we meditate upon. The imagination of the mind can also be set before us; thinking or even dwelling on those things that are unholy and ungodly is prohibited by this passage.

Every thought and imagination that seeks to captivate your thinking must be taken hostage by Christ. Furthermore, anything that seeks to supplant Christ is a work that is of the most detestable sort. The despicable works of the Nicolaitans are hated by Christ and therefore should be repulsive to the Christian. The Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost gives us a practical reminder of what we are to meditate upon: 

Finally, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are right, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think on these things.

(Php 4:8)

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Do not lay hands quickly on anyone, neither be partaker of the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. (1Ti 5:22) 

The Apostle’s instructions to young Timothy are clear. Do not lay hands on anyone quickly. The context of this verse has to be kept in mind. Paul sends Timothy this letter as an encouragement and a reminder. Paul had previously begged Timothy to remain in Ephesus to correct those who were teaching false doctrines.

 This was an occasion were the temptation to lay hands quickly on someone was very much present. For all intents and purposes Timothy was by himself. He was facing false teachers and he was frequently ill. Yet, Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit instructs his young charge to avoid laying hands quickly on anyone.

 If there ever was someone who needed a co-laborer in the faith it was Timothy. The outlook for his ministry was bleak. As his soul longs for a kindred spirit in the faith, the most wise and learned Holy Spirit instructs the young pastor to move very cautiously. Do not lay hands on someone quickly. Timothy was to proceed slowly in finding leaders for the church. He was to examine them to make certain that they held fast to sound doctrine (cf. Acts 2:42, Eph.4:14)

The church today would do well to give an ear to what the Spirit says; do not lay hands quickly on anyone. Spend the requisite time necessary to find men that hold fast to sound words and are prepared to defend our doctrine (Titus 1:9). We must avoid unproven and untested men lest we become partakers of their sin.

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